Our office for Three Meadows Homeowners Association is located in the home of the Office Manager. On the auditor's web site, as well as many of your realtor web sites, our neighborhood number is 0427, which indicates Three Meadows Subdivision Associatiion. Our association has ANNUAL DUES to maintain the subdivision. These dues are in the amount of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for single-family home owners and Sixty dollars (60.00) per condominium unit owner that is located within the subdivision. These dues are billed in the Newsletter that is mailed to each resident on May 1st and are due and payable by June 10th of each year. We now have a web site: 3meadows.org. You can find the summary of the restrictions, as well as the original restrictions that were put in place at the time the subdivision was developed. The mailing address, phone number, email address, dues, board of trustees, map of the area, map of the walking path, the garage sale information, and information on Grassy Creek are all listed on the web site. If you have any questions, please feel free to call the office at 419-874-7644, email us at 3meadows@bex.net or go to the web site at: 3meadows.org. Please inform potential buyers that this subdivision is an HOA with annual dues. The residents of single family homes also pay to have mailbox surrounds that go around the metal or Rubbermaid mailboxes, so that they are all alike and similar to the street signs that are in the neighborhood. The actual metal or Rubbermaid mailbox is the owner’s choice and cost.